Update history of Data Retrieval System
- November 9, 2020
- Update: order of plot changed. The list of galaxies is sorted by the number of data, but the data for Milky Way are always at the top of the list, i.e., the MW data are located in the background of the plot. The numbers of data and unique stars are attached to the individual galaxies.
- April 11, 2018
- Bug fix: the number of additional criteria did not increase by “+” button.
- Bug fix: [X/Y] or [X+Y/Fe,H] as an X-axis did not work.
- Bug fix: the number of columns was not constant in tsv files.
- April 10, 2018
- Update: downloadable text data can be customized by adding up to 20 additional columns specified by the users.
- March 29, 2018 (SAGA viewer)
- Bug fix: correspondence to the new versions of the database.
- Update: enabled to compare stars in dwarf galaxies.
- March 23, 2018
- Update: added RA and Decl in the downloadable text data in tsv format.
- Update: selected data are highlighted in the output data tables.
- Update: time to replot the data has been reduced when the data are plotted with different options or the pages of the output data tables are changed / modified.
- November 8, 2017
- Bug fix: data with upper/lower limits are properly considered when value ranges are specified.
- October 26, 2017
- Bug fix: added upper/lower limit to the data tables and downloadable text data.
- added an option to add uncertainties to the data tables and downloadable text data.
- October 23, 2017
- Bug fix: temporarily fixed the downloadable text data in tsv format.
- October 16, 2017
- Emphasized links to text data.
- October 4, 2017
- Bug fix: enabled search by authors and bibliography.
- September 4, 2017
- Bug fix: stellar parameters (Teff, log g, and [Fe/H]) were not properly ordered in the tables of the search result.
- Line colors have been changed to be the same as the font colors in the list of objects.
- Legends in the plot list have been changed.
- August 7, 2017
- Bug fix: data selection criteria did not work properly. This is a similar bug fix as in May 24, 2017. We may have uncovered the bug at some point.
- June 26, 2017
- fixed search function by binary parameters and position data.
- June 16, 2017
- added search option of the reference solar abundances and representative values for MW stars.
- changed the color set of plotted data points.
- June 11, 2017
- added search option of the reference solar abundances
- Users can select the solar abundances to be normalized in the plot of [X/Fe] and [X/H].
- The available options are Asplund et al. (2009), Grevesse et al. (1996), and Anders & Grevesse (1989).
- added search option of representative values.
- Users can choose the representative values if specified values (abundances, stellar parameters, etc) are reported by multiple papers.
- The available options are mean and median of all the available data, and the value subject to the priority parameter.
- Note that this option is to use the classification of stars by abundances and stellar parameters and is not applicable to the data retrieval system for dwarf galaxies.
- added search option of the reference solar abundances
- May 24, 2017
- Bug fix: “plot one” option did not work properly.
- May 23, 2017
- Bug fix: data selection criteria did not work properly.
July 8, 2014
New function: Text based data (tab separated format) for retrieved data tables are available.
October 31, 2010
Improvement in query form interface.
Bug fix: number count in histogram data.
Bug fix: HTML data of object and reference and links to data.
Apr. 20, 2010
Bug fix: data plot with histogram now recovered from error by the previous update.
Mar. 16, 2010
Implemented popup to show the name of the object when mouse is on plotted data points.
Number of objects and the Pearson coefficient are modified to be consistent with the plotted data at any time.
Slightly changed the layout and color of the site.
Jan. 18, 2010
Bug fix: minor bug related to search.
Feb. 3, 2009
Bug fix: fixed retrieval by binary period and radial velocity
Dec. 24, 2008
Bug fix: search by object name, Author name, and Position and velocity.
Dec. 4, 2008
Retrievals with isotopic ratios are available.
Nov. 21, 2008
Data scoring is introduced. Initial choice of data to be plotted is now determined by the score of individual data. The score is calculated based on the spectral resolution, published year, the size of error bars, and the type of adopted line to derive abundances.
Object names are unified according to the SIMBAD database. Multiple definitions of object names are removed since this version.
Jun. 23, 2008: beta version 1.0 released
Almost all known bugs in 0.13beta were fixed.
Some changes in user interface (see tutorial for detail.)
Dec. 17, 2007: version 0.13beta
Bug fix: calculation of correct errors in [X/Y] (Known problem in beta 0.11)
Bug fix: quick plotting for histograms (Known problem in beta 0.11)
Enable to plot with position and radial velocity.
Oct. 24, 2007: beta version 0.12
Bug fix: search by [X/Y] for X-axis (Not known in the prev. ver.)
Bug fix: search by [X/Y] for multiple axes (Not known in the prev. ver.)
Calculating error for [X/Y] by taking root mean square
Oct. 3, 2007: beta version 0.11
Bug fix for retrieval function
Designation by ‘*’ for notification
Improvement in the speed of search and plot
Known problems
Error bars are not correct for [X/Y] plot.
It takes too much time to plot histgram.
Data selection is ambiguous. In many cases, data to be plotted are chosen by publication year of paper.
Sep., 2007: beta version 0.1 released