Adopted solar abundances

This is the list of adopted solar abundances when the compiled data are converted to abundances in units of [X/Fe], [X/H], or log-e(X).

The original data are converted to log-e(X) first to get a list of abundance data independent of adopted solar abundances. If the original data provides the data in [X/Fe] and adopted solar abundances, we use the reference solar abundance data below unless the values are specified in the original paper.

Here we list three sets of solar abundances, although there are large variety in the adopted solar abundances in the original papers.

Please note that these data sets are used when we search and plot the data in the data retrieval system.

Asplund et al. (2009, ARAA, 47, 481, 2009)

The data are taken from Table 1. We employed photospheric abundances for most element species, but we sometimes use meteoritic abundances for some elements.

 Species  Value in A(X) Comment

| He      | 10.93 |                  || Li      |  3.26 | meteoritic value || Be      |  1.38 |                  || B       |  2.79 | meteoritic value || C       |  8.43 |                  || N       |  7.83 |                  || O       |  8.69 |                  || F       |  4.42 | meteoritic value || Ne      |  7.93 |                  || Na      |  6.24 |                  || Mg      |   7.6 |                  || Al      |  6.45 |                  || Si      |  7.51 |                  || P       |  5.43 | meteoritic value || S       |  7.12 |                  || Cl      |  5.23 | meteoritic value || Ar      |   6.4 |                  || K       |  5.03 |                  || Ca      |  6.34 |                  || Sc      |  3.15 |                  || Ti      |  4.95 |                  || V       |  3.93 |                  || Cr      |  5.64 |                  || Mn      |  5.43 |                  || Fe      |   7.5 |                  || Co      |  4.99 |                  || Ni      |  6.22 |                  || Cu      |  4.19 |                  || Zn      |  4.56 |                  || Ga      |  3.08 | meteoritic value || Ge      |  3.65 |                  || As      |   2.3 |                  || Br      |  2.54 |                  || Se      |  3.34 |                  || Kr      |  3.25 |                  || Rb      |  2.36 | meteoritic value || Sr      |  2.87 |                  || Y       |  2.21 |                  || Zr      |  2.58 |                  || Nb      |  1.46 |                  || Mo      |  1.88 |                  || Ru      |  1.75 |                  || Rh      |  0.91 |                  || Pd      |  1.57 |                  || Ag      |   1.2 | meteoritic value || Cd      |  1.71 |                  || In      |  0.76 | meteoritic value || Sn      |  2.07 | meteoritic value || Sb      |  1.01 |                  || I       |  1.55 |                  || Xe      |  2.24 |                  || Te      |  2.18 |                  || Cs      |  1.08 |                  || Ba      |  2.18 |                  || La      |   1.1 |                  || Ce      |  1.58 | meteoritic value || Pr      |  0.72 |                  || Nd      |  1.42 |                  || Sm      |  0.96 |                  || Eu      |  0.52 |                  || Gd      |  1.07 |                  || Tb      |  0.32 | meteoritic value || Dy      |   1.1 |                  || Ho      |  0.47 | meteoritic value || Er      |  0.92 |                  || Tm      |  0.12 | meteoritic value || Yb      |  0.92 | meteoritic value || Lu      |  0.09 | meteoritic value || Hf      |  0.71 | meteoritic value || Ta      | -0.12 |                  || W       |  0.85 |                  || Re      |  0.26 |                  || Os      |   1.4 |                  || Ir      |  1.38 |                  || Pt      |  1.62 |                  || Au      |   0.8 | meteoritic value || Hg      |  1.17 |                  || Tl      |  0.77 | meteoritic value || Pb      |  2.04 | meteoritic value || Bi      |  0.65 |                  || Th      |  0.06 | meteoritic value || U       | -0.54 |                  |​