We are working to homogenize the database by revisiting the compilation process. The abundance data depend on various factors, such as stellar spectra, observations, and abundance analyses, which include model atmospheres and line lists. Since 2020, with the support of Dr. Patrick Francois, we have been compiling information on the adopted model atmospheres and more comprehensive data on the chosen solar abundances. This work is ongoing and will be detailed in an upcoming paper.
投稿者: wpadmin
Adopted solar abundances
This is the list of adopted solar abundances when the compiled data are converted to abundances in units of [X/Fe], [X/H], or log-e(X).
The original data are converted to log-e(X) first to get a list of abundance data independent of adopted solar abundances. If the original data provides the data in [X/Fe] and adopted solar abundances, we use the reference solar abundance data below unless the values are specified in the original paper.
Here we list three sets of solar abundances, although there are large variety in the adopted solar abundances in the original papers.
Please note that these data sets are used when we search and plot the data in the data retrieval system.
Asplund et al. (2009, ARAA, 47, 481, 2009)
The data are taken from Table 1. We employed photospheric abundances for most element species, but we sometimes use meteoritic abundances for some elements.
Species | Value in A(X) | Comment |
| He | 10.93 | || Li | 3.26 | meteoritic value || Be | 1.38 | || B | 2.79 | meteoritic value || C | 8.43 | || N | 7.83 | || O | 8.69 | || F | 4.42 | meteoritic value || Ne | 7.93 | || Na | 6.24 | || Mg | 7.6 | || Al | 6.45 | || Si | 7.51 | || P | 5.43 | meteoritic value || S | 7.12 | || Cl | 5.23 | meteoritic value || Ar | 6.4 | || K | 5.03 | || Ca | 6.34 | || Sc | 3.15 | || Ti | 4.95 | || V | 3.93 | || Cr | 5.64 | || Mn | 5.43 | || Fe | 7.5 | || Co | 4.99 | || Ni | 6.22 | || Cu | 4.19 | || Zn | 4.56 | || Ga | 3.08 | meteoritic value || Ge | 3.65 | || As | 2.3 | || Br | 2.54 | || Se | 3.34 | || Kr | 3.25 | || Rb | 2.36 | meteoritic value || Sr | 2.87 | || Y | 2.21 | || Zr | 2.58 | || Nb | 1.46 | || Mo | 1.88 | || Ru | 1.75 | || Rh | 0.91 | || Pd | 1.57 | || Ag | 1.2 | meteoritic value || Cd | 1.71 | || In | 0.76 | meteoritic value || Sn | 2.07 | meteoritic value || Sb | 1.01 | || I | 1.55 | || Xe | 2.24 | || Te | 2.18 | || Cs | 1.08 | || Ba | 2.18 | || La | 1.1 | || Ce | 1.58 | meteoritic value || Pr | 0.72 | || Nd | 1.42 | || Sm | 0.96 | || Eu | 0.52 | || Gd | 1.07 | || Tb | 0.32 | meteoritic value || Dy | 1.1 | || Ho | 0.47 | meteoritic value || Er | 0.92 | || Tm | 0.12 | meteoritic value || Yb | 0.92 | meteoritic value || Lu | 0.09 | meteoritic value || Hf | 0.71 | meteoritic value || Ta | -0.12 | || W | 0.85 | || Re | 0.26 | || Os | 1.4 | || Ir | 1.38 | || Pt | 1.62 | || Au | 0.8 | meteoritic value || Hg | 1.17 | || Tl | 0.77 | meteoritic value || Pb | 2.04 | meteoritic value || Bi | 0.65 | || Th | 0.06 | meteoritic value || U | -0.54 | |
List of papers scheduled to be registered
- Milky Way
- Dwarf galaxies
- Hill et al. A&A,626,A15,2019
- Chiti and Frebel ApJ,875,112,2019
Known problems
- downloading data in text format
- Retrieved data can be downloaded in text format. However, not all the data are provided. Note that only one datum is available for specified elements, for example, only [Fe I/H] appears in the data even if [Fe II/H] is also available. We are planning to include all the available data in the database, together with other specified quantities and coordinates.
- popup windows on the plot panels.
- There are minor problems in popup windows when the data are plotted using the data retrieval subsystem. The popup windows provide information on data and references, but references are not displayed for Milky Way stars. This problem will be fixed in the future update.
- time to plot data
- In the current version, it takes long time to plot data using the data retrieval subsystem. In particular, the time to plot figures is unexpectedly long when the replot button is pressed. We expect to reduce time for this process.
- radial velocities (RV)
- The RV data are available for only one record for each object in each paper. We have all the records of RV monitoring for individual objects in the database, but we provide only the first record of monitoring through the web site for a technical reason. We are planning to fix this problem in future updates.
- solar abundances
- We have taken into account the difference in adopted solar abundances, but not all the papers provide information on them. In such cases, we use Grevesse et al. (1996) as reference solar abundances. The list of data without the information on solar abundances will be uploaded later.
Notes on the identifications of stars in dwarf galaxies
List of Identical / Not Identical objects which are distant / close with each other
List of identical objects
# | Galaxy | Star ID1 | Reference 1 | Star ID2 | Reference 2 | Angular Distance [arcsec] | Magnitude difference [V mag] |
1 | Bootes I | Boo-007 | Feltzing+09 | Boo-7 | Norris+10c | 7.734 | |
2 | Bootes I | Boo-094 | Feltzing+09 | Boo-94 | Norris+10c | 7.428 | |
3 | Bootes I | Boo-094 | Feltzing+09 | Boo-94 | Gilmore+13 | 7.428 | |
4 | Bootes I | Boo-094 | Feltzing+09 | Boo-094 | Ishigaki+14 | 7.284 | |
5 | Bootes I | Boo-117 | Feltzing+09 | Boo-4 | Martin+07 | 7.132 | |
6 | Bootes I | Boo-117 | Feltzing+09 | Boo-117 | Norris+10c | 7.132 | |
7 | Bootes I | Boo-117 | Feltzing+09 | Boo01 | Lai+11 | 7.132 | |
8 | Bootes I | Boo-117 | Feltzing+09 | Boo-117 | Gilmore+13 | 7.132 | |
9 | Bootes I | Boo-117 | Feltzing+09 | Boo-117 | Ishigaki+14 | 7.132 | |
10 | Bootes I | Boo-127 | Feltzing+09 | Boo-127 | Gilmore+13 | 8.304 | |
11 | Bootes I | Boo-127 | Feltzing+09 | Boo-127 | Ishigaki+14 | 8.159 | |
12 | Bootes I | Boo-121 | Feltzing+09 | Boo-121 | Norris+10c | 7.552 | |
13 | Bootes I | Boo-121 | Feltzing+09 | Boo-121 | Ishigaki+14 | 7.552 | |
14 | Bootes II | BooII-7 | Koch+09 | SDSSJ135801.42+125105.0 | Francois+16 | 7.312 | |
15 | Bootes II | SDSSJ135801.4+125105.2 | Ji+16 | SDSSJ135801.42+125105.0 | Francois+16 | 5.871 | |
16 | Carina | LG04c 000951 | Koch+08a | Carina-Car-13 | Fabrizio+15 | 7.593 | |
17 | Carina | LG04c_000626 | Koch+08a | Carina-Car15 | Fabrizio+15 | 7.184 | |
18 | Carina | LG04c_000626 | Koch+08a | LG04c_000626 | Koch+06 | 6.883 | 0.00 |
19 | Carina | LG04c_006477 | Koch+08a | Carina-Car32 | Fabrizio+15 | 9.052 | |
20 | Carina | LG04c_006477 | Koch+08a | Car-1013 | Venn+12 | 9.427 | 0.060 |
21 | Carina | LG04c_006477 | Koch+08a | LG04c_006477 | Koch+06 | 8.957 | 0.00 |
22 | Carina | LG04d_006628 | Koch+08a | Carina-Car36 | Fabrizio+15 | 6.263 | |
23 | Carina | LG04c_000777 | Koch+08a | Carina-Car22 | Fabrizio+15 | 9.688 | |
24 | Carina | LG04b_004260 | Koch+08a | Carina-Car14 | Fabrizio+15 | 7.940 | |
25 | Carina | LG04b_004260 | Koch+08a | LG04b_004260 | Koch+06 | 7.649 | |
26 | Carina | LG04a_000377 | Koch+08a | Carina-Car50 | Fabrizio+15 | 6.731 | |
27 | Carina | LG04a_000377 | Koch+08a | LG04a_000377 | Koch+06 | 6.251 | |
28 | Carina | LG04a_002181 | Koch+08a | Carina-Car37 | Fabrizio+15 | 6.210 | |
29 | Carina | LGO4a-002181 | Koch+08a | Car-484 | Venn+12 | 5.772 | |
30 | Carina | LG04a_002181 | Koch+08a | LG04a_002181 | Koch+06 | 5.805 | |
31 | Carina | LGO4a-001826 | Koch+08a | Car-612 | Venn+12 | 5.677 | |
32 | Carina | LG04a_001826 | Koch+08a | Carina-Car19 | Fabrizio+15 | 4.383 | |
33 | Carina | LGO4a-001556 | Koch+08a | Carina-Car53 | Fabrizio+15 | 3.976 | |
34 | Carina | LG04a_001556 | Koch+08a | LG04a_001556 | Koch+06 | 3.781 | 0.000 |
35 | Carina | LG04c_006477 | Koch+08a | CC12039 | Norris+17 | 9.244 | 0.070 |
36 | Carina | LG04c_000777 | Koch+08a | CC11217 | Norris+17 | 9.581 | 0.070 |
37 | Carina | LG04b_004260 | Koch+08a | CC10194 | Norris+17 | 8.036 | 0.010 |
38 | Carina | LG04a_001556 | Koch+08a | CC08469 | Norris+17 | 4.076 | 0.010 |
39 | Carina | LG04a_001826 | Koch+08a | CC07452 | Norris+17 | 4.381 | 0.040 |
40 | Carina | LG04a_002181 | Koch+08a | CC06122 | Norris+17 | 6.116 | 0.020 |
41 | Fornax | For43972 | Kirby+10 | Fornax-703 | Pont+04 | 3.202 | |
42 | Leo I | LeoI22910 | Kirby+10 | LeoI-51 | Gullieuszik+09 | 3.576 | 0.106 |
43 | Leo I | LeoI22910 | Kirby+10 | 137 | Koch+07 | 5.968 | |
44 | Leo I | LeoI20231 | Kirby+10 | 251 | Koch+07 | 8.472 | |
45 | Leo I | LeoI20491 | Kirby+10 | 653 | Koch+07 | 7.255 | |
46 | Leo I | LeoI20248 | Kirby+10 | 308 | Koch+07 | 8.126 | |
47 | Leo I | LeoI20391 | Kirby+10 | 354 | Koch+07 | 8.156 | |
48 | Leo I | LeoI20559 | Kirby+10 | 778 | Koch+07 | 7.705 | |
49 | Reticulum II | DESJ033607-540235 | Ji+16a | DES_J033607-540235 | Ji+16b | 6.629 | |
50 | Reticulum II | DESJ033607-540235 | Ji+16a | Star4 | Roederer+16 | 6.633 | |
51 | Reticulum II | DESJ033523-540407 | Ji+16a | DES_J033523-540407 | Ji+16b | 7.499 | |
52 | Reticulum II | DESJ033523-540407 | Ji+16a | Star2 | Roederer+16 | 8.270 | |
53 | Reticulum II | DESJ033447-540525 | Ji+16a | DES_J033447-540525 | Ji+16b | 8.270 | |
54 | Reticulum II | DESJ033447-540525 | Ji+16a | Star1 | Roederer+16 | 8.270 | |
55 | Reticulum II | DESJ033457-540531 | Ji+16a | DES_J033457-540531 | Ji+16b | 5.032 | |
56 | Reticulum II | DESJ033523-540507 | Ji+18 | DES_J033523-540407 | Ji+16b | 7.499 | 0.000 |
List of not identical objects
# | Galaxy | Star ID1 | Reference 1 | Star ID2 | Reference 2 | Angular Distance [arcsec] | Magnitude difference [V mag] |
1 | Leo I | LeoI-21348 | Bosler+07 | LeoI31636 | Kirby+10 | 0.451 | 0.065 |
2 | Leo I | LeoI31618 | Kirby+10 | LeoI-13 | Gullieuszik+09 | 2.606 | 0.240 |
3 | Leo I | LeoI-21325 | Bosler+07 | LeoI21958 | Kirby+10 | 2.130 | 0.304 |
4 | Leo I | LeoI-21325 | Bosler+07 | LeoI21987 | Kirby+10 | 2.958 | 0.126 |
5 | Leo I | LeoI32614 | Kirby+10 | 870 | Koch+07 | 1.929 | |
6 | Leo I | LeoI21406 | Kirby+10 | 706 | Koch+07 | 2.663 | |
7 | Leo I | LeoI22802 | Kirby+10 | 992 | Koch+07 | 2.423 | |
8 | Leo I | LeoI-16334 | Bosler+07 | 992 | Koch+07 | 2.890 | |
9 | Fornax | For61117 | Kirby+10 | Fornax-61318 | Kirby+15 | 2.427 | |
10 | Sculptor | Scl76 | Battaglia+06 | ET0097 | Skuladottir+15a | 1.140 | 0.011 |
11 | Sculptor | 98 | Kirby+09 | Scl1008361 | Kirby+10 | 0.472 | |
12 | Sculptor | Scl1010605 | Kirby+10 | ET0242 | Skuladottir+15b | 2.489 | |
13 | Sculptor | 162 | Kirby+09 | ET0242 | Skuladottir+15b | 2.390 | |
14 | Sculptor | Scl34 | Battaglia+08 | 162 | Kirby+09 | 2.390 | |
15 | Sculptor | Scl34 | Battaglia+08 | Sculptor-1010605 | Kirby+15 | 2.489 | |
16 | Sculptor | Sculptor-1010605 | Kirby+15 | 160 | Kirby+09 | 2.770 | |
17 | Sculptor | Scl1010605 | Kirby+10 | 160 | Kirby+09 | 2.770 | |
18 | Sculptor | Scl1010568 | Kirby+10 | 162 | Kirby+09 | 2.385 | |
19 | Sculptor | Scl1010568 | Kirby+10 | Sculptor-1010605 | Kirby+15 | 2.459 | |
20 | Sculptor | Sculptor-1010568 | Kirby+15 | 162 | Kirby+09 | 2.385 | |
21 | Sculptor | Sculptor-1010568 | Kirby+15 | Scl1010605 | Kirby+10 | 2.459 | |
22 | Sculptor | Sculptor-1010605 | Kirby+15 | ET0242 | Skuladottir+15b | 2.489 |
Important notes when using the database
The database retrieval system creates the figures using gnuplot version 4.2.6. Therefore, the script downloaded from the server works with this version or later (maybe incompatible with version 4.0 and 3.X).
Object has sometimes two or more identifiers. For example, “CS31062-012” has other object names, “G268-32” and “LP706-7”. The SAGA database uses one ID for one object. In this case, you cannot search with the object name neither “G268-32” nor “LP706-7” in the data retrieval subsystem. In the database, the names of objects are used according to the following priority by the catalogue name.
CS > BS > HE > HD > BD > CD > DH > G > HIP
All the name registered in the database can be seen in
You can check the object IDs used in the database from the links in the list.
Abundance conversion between log-e, [X/H], and [X/Fe] is done by using solar chemical composition based on the adopted solar abundances in the literature. If they are not available, we use photospheric abundances in Table 1 of Grevesse et al. (1996, ASPC, 99, 117).
Tutorial for the SAGA database Retrieval subsystem
Top page
A-1: Date of the last update of the SAGA database in JST
A-2: Button to execute search
A-3: Button to set search example (currently not working)
A-4: Button to reset the form
- B-1: Option to plot on 2D diagram or histogram
- B-2: Bin width for the histogram
- This works when Histogram option in B-1 is chosen.
- B-3: Range of values of the histogram
- This works when Histogram option in B-1 is chosen.
B-4: Category or Unit of the axis for plotting as shown below
B-5: Quantity or Element of the axis
B-6: Quantity in text format. [Fe/H], [C/Fe], [C/N], … any combinations of [X/Y ] are supported.
B-7: Allowed range for specified quantity. Set blank if unset.
B-8: Options to choose if the data with upper limit is included or excluded.
- B-9: Options to show or hide error bars on the plot
C-1: Search by object name. Names such as “HE0107-5240”, “CS”, and “0107” are allowed.
C-2: Subtract binary stars with the specified range of binary period.
C-3: Criterion for the range of photometric magnitude for selected photometric band.
C-4: Criterion for the resolution power, R.
D-1: Search by authors.
- Family Name, Given Name or Initial Middle Name or Initial: Given Name and Middle Name can be omitted.
- First author search by “^”.
- All the names and initials are case insensitive.
- Given name and middle name can be connected by hyphen.
D-2: Bibliographic search to include data
- Format must be “Journal, Volume, Page, Year”.
- Any criterions can be omitted.
- D-3: Bibliographic search to exclude data
- Same option as to include data
- D-4: Criterion to choose the journal.
- D-5: Criterion for the published year of original journal.
E-1: Cross search option. Choose if the combination of data across papers is allowed or not.
- same paper: allow to retrieve data for X and Y axes only from the same paper
- any combination: allow to retrieve data for X and Y axes from any combinations of papers
- plot one: plot only one data if more than one data are available with the same paper option. The data selection is subject to the formula that defines the priority of the data.
E-2: If yes, select data only from the abundances with the adopted solar abundances are provided in the original papers. Otherwise, all the data are searchable.
E-3: Reference solar abundances. Abundances are converted using the reference solar abundances.
E-4: How to choose the representative values if two or more data are available from the literature.
- mean: mean of all the available data
- median: median of all the available data
- subject to priority parameter: data to plot is selected by the criteria.
- E-5: Number of display per result page.
- E-6: Check to display items
- Plot data: data plot and download files
- Output text data: download link to text format for selected data
- Output search result: data table to provide links to data
- Output data comment: additional comment on reference in the numerical data
- Output uncertainties: add information on uncertainties in the result pages and downloadable text data
C-rich : [C/Fe] ≥ 0.7 RGB : Teff ≤ 6000 and log g ≤ 3.5 EMP : [Fe/H] ≤ -2.5 CEMP-s : C-rich and EMP and [Ba/Fe] ≥ 0.5 CEMP-no : C-rich and EMP and [Ba/Fe] < 0.5
Data plot
A-1: Plotted data are automatically classified into categories according to the following criteria.
EMP: stars with [Fe/H] ≤ -2.5. Although the value of [Fe/H] depends on the observations, it is simply taken from the data in the most recent published paper, the largest resolution for observing set ups, and the smallest error bars. Fe I is preferably adopted for identical paper.
C-rich: stars with [C/Fe] ≥ 0.7. The selection condition of the data is the same as for EMP. “CEMP” means “C-rich” and “EMP”.
RGB: stars with Teff ≤ 6000 K and log g ≤ 3.5. Otherwise, the star is classified as “MS”.
- CEMP-s: stars that satisfy C-rich and EMP criteria and [Ba/Fe] ≥ 0.5.
- CEMP-no: stars that satisfy C-rich and EMP criteria and [Ba/Fe] < 0.5.
A-2: Number of plotted data (top) and Pearson coefficient for plotted data (bottom). In calculating the coefficient, data with upper limits are excluded.
A-3: Arrows show the upper limits for derived values.
A-4: Panel is the clickable map. Each plotted data has a link to the page to see more information on the selected object.
B-1: Option to set title of the figure
B-2: Option to specify the position of the legend or unset the legend
B-3: Option to set labels for X- and Y-axis.
B-4: Option to set the scale of the figure in linear or log
B-5: Option to set the range of values. Use “*” for automatic scale.
B-6: Option to Include or exclude error bars on the diagram.
C-1: Button to replot the data
C-2: Button to reset the form
C-3: Button to delete all the list of plotted data
C-4: Button to destroy all internal set-ups and go to top page
- C-5: Checkboxes to show or hide in the plot
- C-6: Text form to set legends
- C-7: Pull-down menus to set the size of the points
- C-8: Pull-down menus to choose the symbols of the points
- C-9: Links to text data
- D-1: Checkbox to plot in color or black-and-white
D-2: Links to the current figures in different format
D-3: Button to download all the data and script to reproduce the figure.
E-1: Button to download data table in tab-separated file
- E-2: List of columns to be included in the text file
- E-3: Options to specify the number of columns to be added to the text file
Text Data Download
- E-4: Selection of additional columns in the text file
Search Result
A-1: ID of the object, sorted by star ID
A-2: Radio button to select all the checkboxes to plot the data for objects in the same page
A-3: Checkbox to plot the data
A-4: Link to the information on object
A-5: Link to the information on reference
A-6: Metallicity, Effective temperature, and Surface gravity of the object adopted by the paper.
- A-7: Values of X-axis, Y-axis, and criterion axes derived by the paper
B-1: Button to go to next or previous page
B-2: Buttons to change the page. The current page is shown by the green button.
Update history of the data retrieval system
Update history of Data Retrieval System
- November 9, 2020
- Update: order of plot changed. The list of galaxies is sorted by the number of data, but the data for Milky Way are always at the top of the list, i.e., the MW data are located in the background of the plot. The numbers of data and unique stars are attached to the individual galaxies.
- April 11, 2018
- Bug fix: the number of additional criteria did not increase by “+” button.
- Bug fix: [X/Y] or [X+Y/Fe,H] as an X-axis did not work.
- Bug fix: the number of columns was not constant in tsv files.
- April 10, 2018
- Update: downloadable text data can be customized by adding up to 20 additional columns specified by the users.
- March 29, 2018 (SAGA viewer)
- Bug fix: correspondence to the new versions of the database.
- Update: enabled to compare stars in dwarf galaxies.
- March 23, 2018
- Update: added RA and Decl in the downloadable text data in tsv format.
- Update: selected data are highlighted in the output data tables.
- Update: time to replot the data has been reduced when the data are plotted with different options or the pages of the output data tables are changed / modified.
- November 8, 2017
- Bug fix: data with upper/lower limits are properly considered when value ranges are specified.
- October 26, 2017
- Bug fix: added upper/lower limit to the data tables and downloadable text data.
- added an option to add uncertainties to the data tables and downloadable text data.
- October 23, 2017
- Bug fix: temporarily fixed the downloadable text data in tsv format.
- October 16, 2017
- Emphasized links to text data.
- October 4, 2017
- Bug fix: enabled search by authors and bibliography.
- September 4, 2017
- Bug fix: stellar parameters (Teff, log g, and [Fe/H]) were not properly ordered in the tables of the search result.
- Line colors have been changed to be the same as the font colors in the list of objects.
- Legends in the plot list have been changed.
- August 7, 2017
- Bug fix: data selection criteria did not work properly. This is a similar bug fix as in May 24, 2017. We may have uncovered the bug at some point.
- June 26, 2017
- fixed search function by binary parameters and position data.
- June 16, 2017
- added search option of the reference solar abundances and representative values for MW stars.
- changed the color set of plotted data points.
- June 11, 2017
- added search option of the reference solar abundances
- Users can select the solar abundances to be normalized in the plot of [X/Fe] and [X/H].
- The available options are Asplund et al. (2009), Grevesse et al. (1996), and Anders & Grevesse (1989).
- added search option of representative values.
- Users can choose the representative values if specified values (abundances, stellar parameters, etc) are reported by multiple papers.
- The available options are mean and median of all the available data, and the value subject to the priority parameter.
- Note that this option is to use the classification of stars by abundances and stellar parameters and is not applicable to the data retrieval system for dwarf galaxies.
- added search option of the reference solar abundances
- May 24, 2017
- Bug fix: “plot one” option did not work properly.
- May 23, 2017
- Bug fix: data selection criteria did not work properly.
July 8, 2014
New function: Text based data (tab separated format) for retrieved data tables are available.
October 31, 2010
Improvement in query form interface.
Bug fix: number count in histogram data.
Bug fix: HTML data of object and reference and links to data.
Apr. 20, 2010
Bug fix: data plot with histogram now recovered from error by the previous update.
Mar. 16, 2010
Implemented popup to show the name of the object when mouse is on plotted data points.
Number of objects and the Pearson coefficient are modified to be consistent with the plotted data at any time.
Slightly changed the layout and color of the site.
Jan. 18, 2010
Bug fix: minor bug related to search.
Feb. 3, 2009
Bug fix: fixed retrieval by binary period and radial velocity
Dec. 24, 2008
Bug fix: search by object name, Author name, and Position and velocity.
Dec. 4, 2008
Retrievals with isotopic ratios are available.
Nov. 21, 2008
Data scoring is introduced. Initial choice of data to be plotted is now determined by the score of individual data. The score is calculated based on the spectral resolution, published year, the size of error bars, and the type of adopted line to derive abundances.
Object names are unified according to the SIMBAD database. Multiple definitions of object names are removed since this version.
Jun. 23, 2008: beta version 1.0 released
Almost all known bugs in 0.13beta were fixed.
Some changes in user interface (see tutorial for detail.)
Dec. 17, 2007: version 0.13beta
Bug fix: calculation of correct errors in [X/Y] (Known problem in beta 0.11)
Bug fix: quick plotting for histograms (Known problem in beta 0.11)
Enable to plot with position and radial velocity.
Oct. 24, 2007: beta version 0.12
Bug fix: search by [X/Y] for X-axis (Not known in the prev. ver.)
Bug fix: search by [X/Y] for multiple axes (Not known in the prev. ver.)
Calculating error for [X/Y] by taking root mean square
Oct. 3, 2007: beta version 0.11
Bug fix for retrieval function
Designation by ‘*’ for notification
Improvement in the speed of search and plot
Known problems
Error bars are not correct for [X/Y] plot.
It takes too much time to plot histgram.
Data selection is ambiguous. In many cases, data to be plotted are chosen by publication year of paper.
Sep., 2007: beta version 0.1 released
Update history of the database
Update history of the Database
- April 10, 2023
- Milky Way
- Israelian et al. A&A, 421, 649, 2004
- Fernandez-Trincado et al. A&A, 631, A97, 2019
- Marino et al. MNRAS,485,5153,2019
- Venn et al. MNRAS,492,3241,2019
- Xing et al. NatAS,3,631,2019
- Fernandez-Trincado et al. A&A,643,L4,2020
- Masseron et al. ApJ,904,L1,2020
- Peterson et al. A&A,638,64,2020
- Placco et al. ApJ,897,78,2020
- Rasmussen et al. ApJ,905,20,2020
- Mardini et al. ApJ,903,88,2020
- Purandardas et al. JApA,41,36,2020
- Roederer et al. ApJ,902,L4,2020
- Aguado et al. ApJ,908,L8,2021
- Almusleh et al. AN,342,625,2021
- Den Hartog et al. ApJS,254,5,2021
- Goswami et al. A&A,649,A49,2021
- Gudin et al. ApJ,908,79,2021
- Gull et al. ApJ,912,52,2021
- Karinkuzhi et al. A&A,645,A61,2021
- Kielty et al. MNRAS,506,1438,2021
- Matsuno et al. ApJ,912,72,2021
- Peterson et al. ApJ,914,L22,2021
- Placco et al. ApJ,912,L32,2021
- Purandardas et al. ApJ,912,74,2021
- Roederer et al. ApJ,912,119,2021
- Smiljanic et al. A&A,646,A70,2021
- Susmitha et al. MNRAS,506,1962,2021
- Tautvaisiene et al. A&A,649,A126,2021
- Yong et al. Nat,595,223,2021
- Li et al. ApJ,931,147,2022
- Milky Way
- April 7, 2021
- Milky Way
- Arentsen et al. A&A,621,A108,2019
- Placco et al. ApJ, 870, 122, 2019
- Sakari et al. ApJ,874,148,2019
- Fernandez-Trincado et al. A&A,631,A97,2019
- Amarsi et al. A&A,622,L4,2019
- Purandaras et al. MNRAS,486,3266,2019
- Fernandez-Trincado et al. ApJ,886,L8,2019
- Mardini et al ApJ,875,89,2019
- Mardini et al ApJ,882,27,2019
- Pereira et al MNRAS,488,482,2019
- Venn et al MNRAS,492,3241,2019
- Xing et al NatAs,3,631,2019
- Ezzeddine et al ApJ,876,97,2019
- Mishenina et al MNRAS,484,3846,2019
- Milky Way
- December 8, 2019
- Milky Way
- Caffau et al. A&A,595,L6,2016
- Bonifacio et al. A&A,612,A65,2018
- Hansen et al. ApJ,858,92,2018
- Li et al. ApJ,852,L31,2018
- Sakari et al. ApJ,854,L20,2018
- Caffau et al. A&A,595,L6,2016
- da Silveira et al. A&A,614,A149,2018
- Bandyopadhyay et al. ApJ,859,114,2018
- Roederer et al. ApJ,860,125,2018
- Holmbeck et al. ApJ,859,L24,2018
- Gull et al. ApJ,862,174,2018
- Cain et al. ApJ,864,43,2018
- Starkenburg et al. MNRAS,481,3838,2018
- Aoki et al PASJ,70,94,2018
- Roederer et al. AJ,156,179,2018
- Roederer et al. ApJ,865,129,2018
- Caffau et al. A&A,614,A68,2018
- Francois et al. A&A,619,A10,2018
- Sakari et al. ApJ, 868, 110, 2018
- Cescutti et al. A&A, 595, A91, 2016
- Francois et al. A&A, 620, A187, 2018
- Dwarf galaxies
- Skuladottir et al. A&A,580,A129,2015
- Tsujimoto et al. ApJ,850,L12,2017
- Hansen et al. ApJ,855,83,2018
- Spite et al. A&A,617,A56,2018
- Taibi et al. A&A,618,A122,2018
- Duggan et al. ApJ, 869, 50, 2018
- Ji et al. ApJ, 870, 83, 2019
- Milky Way
- January 24, 2019
- Milky Way
- Boesgaard et al. ApJ,743,140,2011
- Mishenina et al. MNRAS,469,4378,2017
- Spite et al. A&A,611,A30,2018
- Aguado et al. ApJ,852,L20,2018
- Aguado et al. ApJ,854,L34,2018
- Dwarf galaxies
- Hansen et al. ApJ,838,44,2017
- Norris et al. ApJS,230,28,2017
- Skuladottir et al. A&A,606,A71,2017
- Nagasawa et al. ApJ,852,99,2018
- Ji et al. ApJ,856,138,2018
- Chiti et al. ApJ,857,74,2018
- Chiti et al. ApJ,856,142,2018
- Milky Way
- September 21, 2018
- Position data for the Milky Way stars are compiled from the cross match with the Gaia DR2 with the help of the 2MASS catalog. Now all the data for RA (J2000) and Decl (J2000) are available for stars in MW.
- June 13, 2018
- New data published by early 2017
- Ruchti et al. APJ,743,107,2011
- Hollek et al. APJ,814,121,2015
- Placco et al. APJ,812,109,2015
- Spite et al. A&A,582,74,2015
- Siqueira et al. A&A,584,86,2015
- Aguado et al. A&A,593,10,2016
- Melendez et al. A&A,585,5,2016
- Roederer et al. APJ,821,37,2016
- Roederer et al. APJ,824,L19,2016
- Susmitha Rani et al. APJ,458,2648,2016
- Placco et al. APJ,829,24,2016
- Placco et al. APJ,833,21,2016
- Yan et al. A&A,585,102,2016
- Zhao et al. APJ,833,225,2016
- Aguado et al. AN,604,9,2017
- Aoki et al. APJ,837,8,2017
- Caffau et al. AN,338,686,2017
- Hansen et al. A&A,598,54,2017
- Karinkuzhi et al. APJ,834,61,2017
- Kielty et al. MNRAS,471,404,2017
- Matuno et al. PASJ,69,24,2017
- Matsuno et al. AJ,154,52,2017
- Mikolaitis et al. A&A,600,22,2017
- OMalley et al. ApJ,838,90,2017
- Pereira et al. MNRAS,469,774,2017
- Placco et al. APJ,844,18,2017
- Prakapavicius et al. A&A,599,128,2017
- Roriz et al. MNRAS,472,350,2017
- Spite et al. A&A,600,26,2017
- New data published by early 2017
- September 4, 2017
- bug fix: mis classification of stars in MW stars.
- June 26, 2017
- add binary parameters in text data in tsv format.
- June 11, 2017
- add abundance data normalized by the solar abundances of Grevesse et al. (1996) and Anders & Grevesse (1989).
- May 20, 2017
- bug fix: mis identification of star IDs in dwarf galaxies
- April 5, 2017
- new database for dwarf galaxies
Aug. 31, 2015
fixed incorrect data: erroneous values are registered for abundance data in the following papers.
Reddy et al.,MNRAS,367,1329,2006
Venn et al.,AJ,128,1177,2004
Aug. 7, 2015
Important change!!! The data of the Galactic disk stars have been included in the database. The data are taken from selected papers listed below.
New data published by 2014
Zhang et al.,ApJ,706,1095,2009
Aoki et al.,Science,345,912,2014
Caliskan et al.,A&A,571,62,2014
Hansen et al.,ApJ,787,162,2014
Keller et al.,Nature,506,463,2014
Kennedy et al.,ApJ,787,6,2014
Mashonkina et al.,A&A,569,A43,2014
Placco et al.,ApJ,790,34,2014
Roederer et al.,ApJ,784,158,2014
Roederer et al.,ApJ,791,32,2014
Roederer et al.,AJ,147,136,2014
Roederer et al.,MNRAS,445,2970,2014
Schlaufman et al.,ApJ,797,13,2014
Siqueira Mello et al.,A&A,565,A93,2014
Typical sample of Galactic disk stars
Bensby et al.,A&A,433,185,2005
Reddy et al.,MNRAS,367,1329,2006
lvesBrito et al.,A&A,513,A35,2010
Ruchti et al.,ApJ,737,9,2011
Mishenina et al.,A&A,552,A128,2013
Mishenina et al.,A&A,547,A106,2012
Bensby et al.,A&A,562,A71,2014
Takeda et al.,PASJ,57,45,2005
Takeda et al.,PASJ,57,65,2005
Takeda et al.,PASJ,59,335,2007
Venn et al.,AJ,128,1177,2004
Nissen et al.,A&A,511,L10,2010
Nissen et al.,A&A,530,A15,2011
Chen et al.,A&AS,141,491,2000
Jan. 22, 2015
Incorrect data fixed.
Stellar parameters in Roederer et al. (2010): removed unnecessary data of Teff for all the objects.
Abundance data in Roederer et al. (2010): add data for G95-57A.
Stellar parameters in Allen et al. (2012): Errors in stellar parameters of BS 16033-081.
Jan. 7, 2015
Errors in original papers corrected.
Abundance data in Allen et al.(2012): Data in Table 9 give [X/H] not log-e.
In some other papers, inconsistent star IDs among data tables have been corrected.
Dec. 17, 2014
Incorrect data fixed.
Abundance data in Ishigaki et al.(2013)
Dec. 12, 2014
New data published by 2013.
Caffau et al.,A&A,560,A15,2013
Cohen et al.,ApJ,778,56,2013
Cui et al.,A&A,558,A36,2013
Ishigaki et al.,ApJ,771,67,2013
Ito et al.,ApJ,773,33,2013
Li et al.,ApJ,765,51,2013
Norris et al.,ApJ,762,25,2013
Placco et al.,ApJ,770,104,2013
Spite et al.,A&A,552,A107,2013
Yong et al.,ApJ,762,26,2013
Aoki et al.,AJ,145,13,2013
Placco et al.,ApJ,781,40,2014
August 5, 2014
Incorrect data fixed.
Sr data in Hollek et al. (2011)
inconsistent star name in previous version.
July 8, 2014
New data published by 2012.
Hollek et al. (2011)
Allen et al. (2012)
Aoki et al. (2012)
Bonifacio et al. (2012)
Hansen et al. (2012)
Ishigaki et al. (2012)
Masseron et al. (2012)
Norris et al. (2012)
Ren et al. (2012)
Roederer et al. (2012, ApJ, 747, L7)
Roederer et al. (2012, ApJS, 203, 27)
Siqueira Mello et al. (2012)
August 6, 2012
Important change!!! The definition of “CEMP” and “Crich” changed from [C/Fe] >= 0.5 to [C/Fe] >= 0.7.
New data published by 2011.
Gehren et al. (2006)
Francois et al. (2007)
Aoki and Honda (2008)
Andrievsky et al. (2009)
Roederer et al. (2009)
Aoki et al. (2010)
Andrievsky et al. (2010)
Behara et al. (2010)
Bergemann et al. (2010)
Bergemann and Cescutti (2010)
Caffau et al. (2011a)
Caffau et al. (2011b)
Honda et al. (2011)
Ishigaki et al. (2010)
Melendez et al. (2010)
Mashonkina et al. (2010)
Roederer et al. (2010)
Hansen et al. (2011)
Spite et al. (2011)
Takeda and Takada-Hidai (2011)
Zhang et al. (2011)
October 31, 2010
Bug fix in data
Li abundance in Aoki et al. (2002, ApJ, 567, 1166)
Y abundance of HE1303-2708 in Depagne et al. (2000, A&A, 364, L6) is modified.
Upper limit of Th abundance for HE2148-1248 in Cohen et al. (2003, ApJ, 588, 1082) is added.
added resolution data
Resolution data are updated for Aoki et al. (2002, PASJ, 54, 933), Frebel et al. (2006, ApJ, 638, L17), etc.
March 16, 2010
New data published by 2009.
Smiljanic et al.,A&A,499,103,2009
Ford et al.,A&A,393,617,2002
Ryan et al.,ApJ,549,55,2001
Garcia Perez et al.,A&A,504,213,2009
Aoki et al.,ApJ,698,1803,2009
Ito et al.,ApJ,698,L37,2009
Saito et al.,PASJ,61,549,2009
Bonifacio et al.,A&A,501,519,2009
Rich and Boesgaard,ApJ,701,1519,2009
September 2, 2009
Fixed errors in data
Wrong values of log g for HD140283 and LP625-44 in Aoki et al.(2002, PASJ, 54, 427)
September 1, 2009
New data added. The database covers paper published by mid 2009.
Here is the list of newly added references.
Tan et al.,MNRAS,392,205,2009
Hosford et al.,A&A,493,601,2009
Bergemann and Gehren,A&A,492,823,2008
Frebel et al.,ApJ,684,588,2008
Roederer et al.,ApJ,679,1549,2008
Christlieb et al.,A&A,484,721,2008
Aoki et al.,ApJ,678,1351,2008
Thompson et al.,ApJ,677,556,2008
Andrievsky et al.,A&A,481,481,2008
Roederer et al.,ApJ,675,723,2008
Gonzalez Hernandez et al.a,A&A,480,233,2008
Mashonkina et al.,A&A,478,529,2008
Lai et al.,ApJ,681,1524,2008
Preston et al.,AJ,132,85,2006
Ryde and Lambert,A&A,415,559,2004
TakadaHidai et al.,ApJ,573,614,2002
Johnson and Bolte,ApJ,579,616,2002
Johnson and Bolte,ApJ,554,888,2001
Cohen et al.,ApJ,672,320,2008
Ivans et al.,ApJ,592,906,2003
Ishimaru et al.,ApJ,600,L47,2004
Charbonnel and Primas,A&A,442,961,2005
Boesgaard et al.,ApJ,633,398,2005
Stephens and Boesgaard,AJ,123,1647,2002
May 5, 2009
Data bug fix again of Cohen et al. (2006, ApJ, 132, 137)
Zr, Sm, and Pb abundances of HE2356-0410 were deleted. They are not available in the literature.
Apr. 9, 2009
New data which were published by Dec. 2007 but were not compiled in the previous updates.
Data bug fix. We are sorry for these mistakes in compilation.
Israelian et al.(2001, ApJ, 551, 833)
G275-4 (CD-24 17504)
[O I/H] = -2.99 was replaced by < -1.96
[OH/H] < -1.96 was replaced by 2.08±0.32
Aoki et al.(2002, ApJ, 580, 1149)
CS22942-01, CS29526-110, CS22898-027, HD196944, CS31062-012, CS31062-050, CS22880-074
Photometric data in B and B-V band should be B-V and E(B-V), respectively.
V band data was removed.
Gratton et al.(2003, A&A, 404, 183)
All objects in the paper
Wrong data for photometry were compiled.
Lucatello et al. (2003, AJ, 125, 875)
Flags for upper limits were added to Eu, Y, and Zr abundances.
Cohen et al. (2006, ApJ, 132, 137)
Abundances of HE2158-0348 was used for those of HE2356-0410 in the previous version. Now fixed.
Dec. 4, 2008
Isotopic ratio data are registered into database.
6Li/7Li and 12C/13C are in the form of the ratio in number abundance.
151Eu/153Eu is defined as the fraction of 151Eu, i.e., fr(151Eu)≡151Eu/(151Eu+153Eu)
Nov. 21, 2008
Data scoring is added. See below in the update history of Retrieval system.
Aug. 20, 2008
Bug fix: EPS file was broken. It is now created successfully in gnuplot version 4.2.2.
Aug. 7, 2008
Bug fix: Object classification (HE1327-2326 was classified as “EMP” while it should be “CEMP-MS”)
Bug fix: log-e – [X/Fe] conversion ([Eu/Fe] data increase by ~100, most of which are metal-rich stars)
Bug fix: Object name inconsistency (e.g., “BD+03 740” and “BD+03 0740” are treated as different objects)
May. 28, 2008
Bug fix of data in some papers
Addition of papers in order to cover all the papers published by Dec. 2007.
Dec. 13, 2007
Bug fix of data in some papers
No addition of papers
Sep. 12, 2007, 1st released version
compilation of 91 papers