
  • HIP64786 in K.A.Venn+,AJ, 128, 1177, 2004

  • taken from 18 paper(s):

    /D.L.Burris et al.(2000)/ /S.Honda et al.(2004)/ /J.A.Johnson(2002)/ /J.Westin et al.(2000)/ /W.Aoki et al.(2003)/ /J.J.Cowan et al.(2005)/ /S.Honda et al.(2004)/ /D.K.Lai et al.(2007)/ /J.Simmerer et al.(2004)/ /C.Sneden et al.(1998)/ /J.A.Johnson and M. Bolte(2002)/ /J.A.Johnson and M. Bolte(2001)/ /Y.Saito et al.(2009)/ /I.U.Roederer et al.(2009)/ /I.U.Roederer et al.(2010)/ /Y.Takeda and M. Takada-Hidai(2011)/ /C.J.Hansen et al.(2012)/ /K.A.Venn et al.(2004)/

    D.L.Burris et al.,ApJ, 544, 302, 2000(ADS)


    Stellar Parameters

    Teff : 4750 log g : 1.70 vturb : 1.60

    Chemical Abundances

    Original Data Converted Data Asplund et al. (2009)
    Element Nline [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e Element


    Right Ascension : 13 16 42.46 Declination : +36 22 52.7 Galactic Longitude (l) : N/A Galactic Latitude (b) : N/A

    Observing Log

    Date of Observation JD Facility Resolution S/N Exposure Time Vrad
    N/A MAYALLKPNO 20000 100-200 N/A N/A

    S.Honda et al.,ApJ, 607, 474, 2004(ADS)

    Spectroscopic Studies of Extremely Metal-Poor Stars with the Subaru High Dispersion Spectrograph. II. The r-Process Elements, Including Thorium

    Stellar Parameters

    Teff : 4720 log g : 1.5 vturb : 1.7

    Chemical Abundances

    Original Data Converted Data Asplund et al. (2009)
    Element Nline [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e Element
    Mg I4...0.39+-0.035.12+-0.03-2.48+-0.030.36+-0.035.12+-0.03Mg I
    Al I1...-0.48+-0.113.14+-0.11-3.31+-0.11-0.47+-0.113.14+-0.11Al I
    Si I1...0.35+-0.115.05+-0.11-2.46+-0.110.38+-0.115.05+-0.11Si I
    Ca I4...0.27+-0.063.78+-0.06-2.56+-0.060.28+-0.063.78+-0.06Ca I
    Sc II3...-0.020.3-2.85-0.010.3Sc II
    Mn I6...-0.53+-0.122.01+-0.12-3.42+-0.12-0.58+-0.122.01+-0.12Mn I
    Co I3...0.19+-0.122.26+-0.12-2.73+-0.120.11+-0.122.26+-0.12Co I
    Ni I2...-0.11+-0.113.29+-0.11-2.93+-0.11-0.09+-0.113.29+-0.11Ni I
    Sr II2...0.04+-0.110.11+-0.11-2.76+-0.110.08+-0.110.11+-0.11Sr II
    Y II7...-0.16+-0.08-0.78+-0.08-2.99+-0.08-0.15+-0.08-0.78+-0.08Y II
    Zr II4...0.18+-0.17-0.06+-0.17-2.64+-0.170.20+-0.17-0.06+-0.17Zr II
    Pd I1...0.09+-0.11-1.06+-0.11-2.63+-0.110.21+-0.11-1.06+-0.11Pd I
    Ba II2...0.14+-0.11-0.49+-0.11-2.67+-0.110.17+-0.11-0.49+-0.11Ba II
    La II5...0.1+-0.05-1.53+-0.05-2.63+-0.050.21+-0.05-1.53+-0.05La II
    Ce II8...0.12+-0.1-1.1+-0.1-2.68+-0.10.16+-0.1-1.1+-0.1Ce II
    Pr II2...0.56+-0.11-1.49+-0.11-2.21+-0.110.63+-0.11-1.49+-0.11Pr II
    Nd II7...0.3+-0.06-1.06+-0.06-2.48+-0.060.36+-0.06-1.06+-0.06Nd II
    Sm II4...0.63+-0.19-1.24+-0.19-2.20+-0.190.64+-0.19-1.24+-0.19Sm II
    Eu II3...0.66+-0.03-1.64+-0.03-2.16+-0.030.68+-0.03-1.64+-0.03Eu II
    Gd II3...0.66+-0.21-1.1+-0.21-2.17+-0.210.67+-0.21-1.1+-0.21Gd II
    Tb II1...0.21+-0.11-2.29+-0.11-2.61+-0.110.23+-0.11-2.29+-0.11Tb II
    Dy II5...0.61+-0.09-1.07+-0.09-2.17+-0.090.67+-0.09-1.07+-0.09Dy II
    Er II4...0.62+-0.09-1.26+-0.09-2.18+-0.090.66+-0.09-1.26+-0.09Er II
    Tm II2...0.52+-0.11-2.18+-0.11-2.30+-0.110.54+-0.11-2.18+-0.11Tm II
    Yb II1...0.43+-0.11-1.46+-0.11-2.38+-0.110.46+-0.11-1.46+-0.11Yb II
    Ir I1...0.59+-0.11-0.89+-0.11-2.27+-0.110.57+-0.11-0.89+-0.11Ir I
    Th II1...0.79+-0.15-1.97+-0.15-2.03+-0.150.81+-0.15-1.97+-0.15Th II
    U II1...<1.00<-2.35<-1.81<1.03<-2.35U II

    Isotopic Ratio

    12C/13C 7


    Right Ascension : 13 16 42.46 Declination : +36 22 52.7 Galactic Longitude (l) : N/A Galactic Latitude (b) : N/A

    Observing Log

    Date of Observation JD Facility Resolution S/N Exposure Time Vrad
    2000-07-04 N/A SUBARUHDS 90000 255 3900 -27.30+-0.34
    2001-01-28 N/A SUBARUHDS 90000 N/A N/A -27.58+-0.25

    J.A.Johnson et al.,ApJS, 139, 219, 2002(ADS)


    Stellar Parameters

    Teff : 4500 log g : 0.70 vturb : 2.25

    Chemical Abundances

    Original Data Converted Data Asplund et al. (2009)
    Element Nline [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e Element
    Na I2......3.57+-0.10-2.67+-0.100.46+-0.103.57+-0.10Na I
    Mg I8......5.26+-0.10-2.34+-0.100.79+-0.105.26+-0.10Mg I
    Al I1......3.24+-0.10-3.21+-0.10-0.08+-0.103.24+-0.10Al I
    Si I1......5.00+-0.20-2.51+-0.200.62+-0.205.00+-0.20Si I
    Ca I12......3.63+-0.06-2.71+-0.060.42+-0.063.63+-0.06Ca I
    Sc II9......0.02+-0.09-3.13+-0.090.00+-0.090.02+-0.09Sc II
    Ti I30......2.16+-0.09-2.79+-0.090.34+-0.092.16+-0.09Ti I
    Ti II18......2.15+-0.08-2.80+-0.080.33+-0.082.15+-0.08Ti II
    V I2......0.79+-0.03-3.14+-0.03-0.01+-0.030.79+-0.03V I
    V II5......1.01+-0.08-2.92+-0.080.21+-0.081.01+-0.08V II
    Cr I12......2.35+-0.08-3.29+-0.08-0.16+-0.082.35+-0.08Cr I
    Cr II1......2.77+-0.05-2.87+-0.050.26+-0.052.77+-0.05Cr II
    Mn I2......1.92+-0.02-3.51+-0.02-0.38+-0.021.92+-0.02Mn I
    Mn II3......2.17+-0.07-3.26+-0.07-0.13+-0.072.17+-0.07Mn II
    Fe I149......4.37+-0.13-3.13+-0.13...4.37+-0.13Fe I
    Fe II19......4.36+-0.08-3.14+-0.08...4.36+-0.08Fe II
    Co I6......2.13+-0.13-2.86+-0.130.27+-0.132.13+-0.13Co I
    Ni I19......3.24+-0.18-2.98+-0.180.15+-0.183.24+-0.18Ni I
    Zn I2......1.72+-0.04-2.84+-0.040.29+-0.041.72+-0.04Zn I
    Y II11......-1.00+-0.10-3.21+-0.10-0.08+-0.10-1.00+-0.10Y II
    Zr II9......-0.30+-0.13-2.88+-0.130.25+-0.13-0.30+-0.13Zr II
    Ba II4......-1.10+-0.08-3.28+-0.08-0.15+-0.08-1.10+-0.08Ba II
    La II4......-1.68+-0.05-2.78+-0.050.35+-0.05-1.68+-0.05La II
    Ce II3......-1.53+-0.11-3.11+-0.110.02+-0.11-1.53+-0.11Ce II
    Pr II2......-2.15+-0.20-2.87+-0.200.26+-0.20-2.15+-0.20Pr II
    Nd II8......-1.36+-0.20-2.78+-0.200.35+-0.20-1.36+-0.20Nd II
    Sm II7......-1.59+-0.09-2.55+-0.090.58+-0.09-1.59+-0.09Sm II
    Eu II3......-1.82+-0.03-2.34+-0.030.79+-0.03-1.82+-0.03Eu II
    Gd II1......-1.47+-0.20-2.54+-0.200.59+-0.20-1.47+-0.20Gd II
    Tb II2......-2.41+-0.15-2.73+-0.150.40+-0.15-2.41+-0.15Tb II
    Dy II9......-1.30+-0.13-2.40+-0.130.73+-0.13-1.30+-0.13Dy II
    Er II3......-1.40+-0.04-2.32+-0.040.81+-0.04-1.40+-0.04Er II
    Tm II2......-2.36+-0.15-2.48+-0.150.65+-0.15-2.36+-0.15Tm II
    Yb II1......-1.28+-0.20-2.20+-0.200.93+-0.20-1.28+-0.20Yb II
    Os IN/A......<-0.80<-2.20<0.93<-0.80Os I


    Right Ascension : 13 16 42.46 Declination : +36 22 52.7 Galactic Longitude (l) : N/A Galactic Latitude (b) : N/A

    Observing Log

    Date of Observation JD Facility Resolution S/N Exposure Time Vrad
    1997-05-12 N/A KECKHIRES 45000 400 2400 N/A
    1997-06-20 N/A KECKHIRES 45000 N/A 1200 N/A
    1999-03-08 N/A LICKHAMILTON 60000 90 3600 N/A

    J.Westin et al.,ApJ, 530, 783, 2000(ADS)


    Stellar Parameters

    Teff : 4650 log g : 1.50 vturb : 2.1

    Chemical Abundances

    Original Data Converted Data Asplund et al. (2009)
    Element Nline [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e Element
    O I1...+0.66+-0.11+6.60+-0.11-2.09+-0.110.87+-0.11+6.60+-0.11O I
    Na I2...0.00+-0.11+3.34+-0.11-2.90+-0.110.06+-0.11+3.34+-0.11Na I
    Mg I7...+0.54+-0.12+5.13+-0.12-2.47+-0.120.49+-0.12+5.13+-0.12Mg I
    Al I1...-0.36+-0.11+3.12+-0.11-3.33+-0.11-0.37+-0.11+3.12+-0.11Al I
    Si I1...+0.46+-0.11+5.02+-0.11-2.49+-0.110.47+-0.11+5.02+-0.11Si I
    Ca I13...+0.38+-0.06+3.75+-0.06-2.59+-0.060.37+-0.06+3.75+-0.06Ca I
    Sc II5...+0.17+-0.05+0.28+-0.05-2.87+-0.050.09+-0.05+0.28+-0.05Sc II
    Ti I12...+0.40+-0.06+2.40+-0.06-2.55+-0.060.41+-0.06+2.40+-0.06Ti I
    Ti II21...+0.45+-0.13+2.45+-0.13-2.50+-0.130.46+-0.13+2.45+-0.13Ti II
    V I2...+0.13+-0.20+1.14+-0.20-2.79+-0.200.17+-0.20+1.14+-0.20V I
    V II2...+0.15+-0.11+1.16+-0.11-2.77+-0.110.19+-0.11+1.16+-0.11V II
    Cr I6...-0.28+-0.13+2.40+-0.13-3.24+-0.13-0.28+-0.13+2.40+-0.13Cr I
    Mn I6...-0.50+-0.16+1.90+-0.16-3.53+-0.16-0.57+-0.16+1.90+-0.16Mn I
    Fe I158-2.98+-0.10...+4.54+-0.10-2.96+-0.10...+4.54+-0.10Fe I
    Fe II23-3.00+-0.07...+4.52+-0.07-2.98+-0.07...+4.52+-0.07Fe II
    Co I4...+0.31+-0.10+2.24+-0.10-2.75+-0.100.21+-0.10+2.24+-0.10Co I
    Ni I3...-0.01+-0.03+3.25+-0.03-2.97+-0.03-0.01+-0.03+3.25+-0.03Ni I
    Cu I1...-0.69+-0.11+0.53+-0.11-3.66+-0.11-0.70+-0.11+0.53+-0.11Cu I
    Zn I2...+0.25+-0.11+1.86+-0.11-2.70+-0.110.26+-0.11+1.86+-0.11Zn I
    Ge I1...-0.47+-0.11-0.05+-0.11-3.70+-0.11-0.74+-0.11-0.05+-0.11Ge I
    Sr II2...+0.32+-0.11+0.23+-0.11-2.64+-0.110.32+-0.11+0.23+-0.11Sr II
    Y II8...-0.07+-0.12-0.82+-0.12-3.03+-0.12-0.07+-0.12-0.82+-0.12Y II
    Zr II5...+0.37+-0.12-0.02+-0.12-2.60+-0.120.36+-0.12-0.02+-0.12Zr II
    Ba II4...+0.18+-0.09-0.68+-0.09-2.86+-0.090.10+-0.09-0.68+-0.09Ba II
    La II5...+0.37+-0.10-1.40+-0.10-2.50+-0.100.46+-0.10-1.40+-0.10La II
    Ce II5...+0.34+-0.12-1.10+-0.12-2.68+-0.120.28+-0.12-1.10+-0.12Ce II
    Pr II3...+0.46+-0.34-1.82+-0.34-2.54+-0.340.42+-0.34-1.82+-0.34Pr II
    Nd II10...+0.56+-0.12-0.93+-0.12-2.35+-0.120.61+-0.12-0.93+-0.12Nd II
    Sm II4...+0.81+-0.16-1.18+-0.16-2.14+-0.160.82+-0.16-1.18+-0.16Sm II
    Eu II5...+0.85+-0.07-1.63+-0.07-2.15+-0.070.81+-0.07-1.63+-0.07Eu II
    Gd II3...+0.89+-0.13-0.98+-0.13-2.05+-0.130.91+-0.13-0.98+-0.13Gd II
    Dy II5...+0.88+-0.10-1.01+-0.10-2.11+-0.100.85+-0.10-1.01+-0.10Dy II
    Ho II2...+0.64+-0.11-1.85+-0.11-2.32+-0.110.64+-0.11-1.85+-0.11Ho II
    Er II3...+0.85+-0.02-1.21+-0.02-2.13+-0.020.83+-0.02-1.21+-0.02Er II
    Tm II1...+1.07+-0.11-1.79+-0.11-1.91+-0.111.05+-0.11-1.79+-0.11Tm II
    Yb II1...+0.51+-0.11-1.40+-0.11-2.32+-0.110.64+-0.11-1.40+-0.11Yb II
    Os I1...+0.99+-0.11-0.55+-0.11-1.95+-0.111.01+-0.11-0.55+-0.11Os I
    Pt I1...+0.89+-0.11-0.30+-0.11-1.92+-0.111.04+-0.11-0.30+-0.11Pt I
    Th II1...+0.64+-0.11-2.23+-0.11-2.29+-0.110.67+-0.11-2.23+-0.11Th II
    U II1...<+0.5<-2.6<-2.06<0.90<-2.6U II

    Isotopic Ratio

    12C/13C 6.0+-1.5


    Right Ascension : 13 16 42.46 Declination : +36 22 52.7 Galactic Longitude (l) : N/A Galactic Latitude (b) : N/A

    Observing Log

    Date of Observation JD Facility Resolution S/N Exposure Time Vrad
    N/A MCDONALD 60000 200,400,500 N/A N/A

    W.Aoki et al.,ApJ, 586, 506, 2003(ADS)

    Measurement of the Europium Isotope Ratio for the Extremely Metal poor, r-Process-enhanced Star CS 31082-001

    Isotopic Ratio

    151Eu/153Eu 0.46+-0.1

    Binary Parameters

    Vrad -27.11+-0.28


    Right Ascension : 13 16 42.46 Declination : +36 22 52.7 Galactic Longitude (l) : N/A Galactic Latitude (b) : N/A

    Observing Log

    Date of Observation JD Facility Resolution S/N Exposure Time Vrad
    2000-07-05 2451730.8 SUBARUHDS 90000 300 2x30min -27.12+-0.34
    2001-04-16 2452016.0 SUBARUHDS 90000 300 2x30min -27.11+-0.28

    J.J.Cowan et al.,ApJ, 627, 238, 2005(ADS)

    Hubble Space Telescope Observations of Heavy Elements in Metal-Poor Galactic Halo Stars

    Stellar Parameters

    Teff : 4720 log g : 1.75 vturb : 2.00

    Chemical Abundances

    Original Data Converted Data Asplund et al. (2009)
    Element Nline [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e Element
    Fe IN/A-2.90......-2.93...4.57Fe I
    Fe IIN/A-2.71......-2.74...4.76Fe II


    Right Ascension : 13 16 42.46 Declination : +36 22 52.7 Galactic Longitude (l) : N/A Galactic Latitude (b) : N/A

    Observing Log

    Date of Observation JD Facility Resolution S/N Exposure Time Vrad
    N/A HST 30000 >50 N/A N/A
    N/A KECKHIRES 45000 30-200 N/A N/A

    S.Honda et al.,ApJS, 152, 113, 2004(ADS)

    Spectroscopic Studies of Extremely Metal-Poor Stars with the Subaru High Dispersion Spectrograph. I. Observational Data

    Binary Parameters

    Vrad -27.58+-0.25


    Right Ascension : 13 16 42.46 Declination : +36 22 52.7 Galactic Longitude (l) : N/A Galactic Latitude (b) : N/A

    Observing Log

    Date of Observation JD Facility Resolution S/N Exposure Time Vrad
    2000-07-04 N/A SUBARUHDS 90000 255 3900 -27.30+-0.34
    2001-01-28 N/A SUBARUHDS N/A N/A N/A -27.58+-0.25

    D.K.Lai et al.,ApJ, 667, 1185, 2007(ADS)

    Carbon and Strontium Abundances of Metal-poor Stars

    Stellar Parameters

    Teff : 4775 log g : 1.68

    Chemical Abundances

    Original Data Converted Data Asplund et al. (2009)
    Element Nline [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e Element


    Right Ascension : 13 16 42.46 Declination : +36 22 52.7 Galactic Longitude (l) : N/A Galactic Latitude (b) : N/A

    Observing Log

    Date of Observation JD Facility Resolution S/N Exposure Time Vrad
    N/A KECKII 7000 N/A N/A N/A

    J.Simmerer et al.,ApJ, 617, 1091, 2004(ADS)

    The Rise of the s-Process in the Galaxy

    Stellar Parameters

    Teff : 4721 log g : 1.74 vturb : 2.00

    Chemical Abundances

    Original Data Converted Data Asplund et al. (2009)
    Element Nline [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e Element
    Fe I8-2.90......-2.90...4.60Fe I
    Fe II5-2.71......-2.71...4.79Fe II
    La IIN/A......-1.35+-0.07-2.45+-0.070.45+-0.07-1.35+-0.07La II
    Eu IIN/A......-1.61+-0.03-2.13+-0.030.77+-0.03-1.61+-0.03Eu II


    Right Ascension : 13 16 42.46 Declination : +36 22 52.7 Galactic Longitude (l) : N/A Galactic Latitude (b) : N/A

    Observing Log

    Date of Observation JD Facility Resolution S/N Exposure Time Vrad
    N/A MCDONALD 60000 100 N/A N/A

    C.Sneden et al.,ApJ, 496, 235, 1998(ADS)

    Hubble Space Telescope Observations of Neutron-Capture Elements in Very Metal Poor Stars

    Stellar Parameters

    Teff : 4750 log g : 1.70 vturb : 1.6

    Chemical Abundances

    Original Data Converted Data Asplund et al. (2009)
    Element Nline [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e Element
    Ge IN/A...-0.75-0.10-3.75-0.98-0.10Ge I
    Zr IIN/A...+0.25+0.15-2.430.34+0.15Zr II
    Os IN/A...-0.75-0.55-1.950.82-0.55Os I
    Pt IN/A...-0.75-0.22-1.840.93-0.22Pt I
    Pb IN/A...-0.30-0.4-2.440.33-0.4Pb I


    Right Ascension : 13 16 42.46 Declination : +36 22 52.7 Galactic Longitude (l) : N/A Galactic Latitude (b) : N/A

    Observing Log

    Date of Observation JD Facility Resolution S/N Exposure Time Vrad
    N/A N/A 32000 50-70 N/A N/A

    J.A.Johnson et al.,ApJ, 579, 616, 2002(ADS)

    The r-Process in the Early Galaxy

    Chemical Abundances

    Original Data Converted Data Asplund et al. (2009)
    Element Nline [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e Element
    Sr IIN/A......-0.51+-0.30-3.38+-0.30-0.41+-0.30-0.51+-0.30Sr II
    Y IIN/A......-1.00+-0.09-3.21+-0.09-0.24+-0.09-1.00+-0.09Y II
    Zr IIN/A......-0.30+-0.08-2.88+-0.080.09+-0.08-0.30+-0.08Zr II
    Pd IN/A......<-0.49<-2.06<0.91<-0.49Pd I
    Ba IIN/A......-1.10+-0.15-3.28+-0.15-0.31+-0.15-1.10+-0.15Ba II


    Right Ascension : 13 16 42.46 Declination : +36 22 52.7 Galactic Longitude (l) : N/A Galactic Latitude (b) : N/A

    Observing Log

    Date of Observation JD Facility Resolution S/N Exposure Time Vrad
    1997-05-12 N/A KECKHIRES 45000 400 2400 N/A
    1997-06-20 N/A KECKHIRES 45000 1200 N/A
    1999-03-08 N/A LICKHAMILTON 60000 90 3600 N/A

    J.A.Johnson et al.,ApJ, 554, 888, 2001(ADS)

    Th Ages for Metal-poor Stars

    Stellar Parameters

    Teff : 4500 log g : 0.70 vturb : 2.25

    Chemical Abundances

    Original Data Converted Data Asplund et al. (2009)
    Element Nline [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e Element
    Fe I149-3.15+-0.11......-2.98+-0.11...4.52+-0.11Fe I
    Fe II19-3.16+-0.06......-2.99+-0.06...4.51+-0.06Fe II
    Ba II4...-0.07+-0.15...-3.27+-0.15-0.29+-0.15-1.09+-0.15Ba II
    La II4...0.26+-0.07...-2.77+-0.070.21+-0.07-1.67+-0.07La II
    Ce II3...0.08+-0.11...-3.04+-0.11-0.06+-0.11-1.46+-0.11Ce II
    Pr II2...0.30+-0.15...-2.86+-0.150.12+-0.15-2.14+-0.15Pr II
    Nd II8...0.30+-0.10...-2.77+-0.100.21+-0.10-1.35+-0.10Nd II
    Sm II7...0.57+-0.10...-2.54+-0.100.44+-0.10-1.58+-0.10Sm II
    Eu II3...0.83+-0.05...-2.33+-0.050.65+-0.05-1.81+-0.05Eu II
    Gd II1...0.57+-0.20...-2.53+-0.200.45+-0.20-1.46+-0.20Gd II
    Tb II2...0.42+-0.12...-2.72+-0.120.26+-0.12-2.40+-0.12Tb II
    Dy II9...0.76+-0.07...-2.39+-0.070.59+-0.07-1.29+-0.07Dy II
    Er II3...0.83+-0.04...-2.31+-0.040.67+-0.04-1.39+-0.04Er II
    Tm II2...0.67+-0.11...-2.47+-0.110.51+-0.11-2.35+-0.11Tm II
    Yb II1...0.80+-0.28...-2.32+-0.280.66+-0.28-1.40+-0.28Yb II
    Os IN/A...<0.90...<-2.20<0.78<-0.80Os I
    Th II1...0.67+-0.09...-2.46+-0.090.52+-0.09-2.40+-0.09Th II

    Isotopic Ratio

    12C/13C 6


    Right Ascension : 13 16 42.46 Declination : +36 22 52.7 Galactic Longitude (l) : N/A Galactic Latitude (b) : N/A

    Observing Log

    Date of Observation JD Facility Resolution S/N Exposure Time Vrad
    1997-05-12 N/A KECKHIRES 45000 400 2400 N/A
    1997-06-20 N/A KECKHIRES 45000 1200 N/A
    1999-03-08 N/A LICKHAMILTON 60000 90 3600 N/A

    Y.Saito et al.,PASJ, 61, 549, 2009(ADS)

    Chemical Evolution of Zinc in the Galaxy

    Stellar Parameters

    Teff : 4753 log g : 2.49 vturb : 1.50

    Chemical Abundances

    Original Data Converted Data Asplund et al. (2009)
    Element Nline [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e Element
    Fe IN/A-2.89......-2.94...4.56Fe I
    Fe IIN/A-2.62......-2.67...4.83Fe II
    Zn IN/A...0.12+-0.16...-2.73+-0.160.21+-0.161.83+-0.16Zn I


    Right Ascension : 13 16 42.46 Declination : +36 22 52.7 Galactic Longitude (l) : N/A Galactic Latitude (b) : N/A

    Observing Log

    Date of Observation JD Facility Resolution S/N Exposure Time Vrad
    N/A N/A OAO 50000 110 N/A N/A

    I.U.Roederer et al.,ApJ, 698, 1963, 2009(ADS)

    The End of Nucleosynthesis: Production of Lead and Thorium in the Early Galaxy

    Stellar Parameters

    Teff : 4720 log g : 1.75 vturb : 2.00

    Chemical Abundances

    Original Data Converted Data Asplund et al. (2009)
    Element Nline [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e Element
    La IIN/A......-1.42+-0.05-2.52+-0.050.38+-0.05-1.42+-0.05La II
    Eu IIN/A......-1.64+-0.04-2.16+-0.040.74+-0.04-1.64+-0.04Eu II
    Er IIN/A......-1.22+-0.07-2.14+-0.070.76+-0.07-1.22+-0.07Er II
    Hf IIN/A......-1.50+-0.21-2.21+-0.210.69+-0.21-1.50+-0.21Hf II
    Ir IN/A......-0.68+-0.18-2.06+-0.180.84+-0.18-0.68+-0.18Ir I
    Pb IN/A......<-0.45<-2.49<0.41<-0.45Pb I
    Th IIN/A......-2.08+-0.15-2.14+-0.150.76+-0.15-2.08+-0.15Th II

    Isotopic Ratio

    12C/13C 6+-2


    Right Ascension : 13 16 42.46 Declination : +36 22 52.7 Galactic Longitude (l) : N/A Galactic Latitude (b) : N/A

    Observing Log

    Date of Observation JD Facility Resolution S/N Exposure Time Vrad
    N/A HST 30000 50 N/A N/A
    N/A KECKHIRES 45000 30-200 N/A N/A

    I.U.Roederer et al.,ApJ, 724, 975, 2010(ADS)


    Chemical Abundances

    Original Data Converted Data Asplund et al. (2009)
    Element Nline [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e Element
    Zn IN/A......1.9-2.660.241.9Zn I
    Y IIN/A......-0.82-3.03-0.13-0.82Y II
    Pb IN/A......<-0.45<-2.49<0.41<-0.45Pb I


    Right Ascension : 13 16 42.46 Declination : +36 22 52.7 Galactic Longitude (l) : N/A Galactic Latitude (b) : N/A

    Observing Log

    Date of Observation JD Facility Resolution S/N Exposure Time Vrad
    N/A MCDONALD 60000 100 N/A N/A

    Y.Takeda et al.,PASJ, 63, S537, 2011(ADS)

    Exploring the [S/Fe] Behavior of Metal-Poor Stars with the Si 1.046 um Lines

    Stellar Parameters

    Teff : 4721 log g : 1.74 vturb : 2.00

    Chemical Abundances

    Original Data Converted Data Asplund et al. (2009)
    Element Nline [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e Element
    S IN/A......5.33-1.790.925.33S I


    Right Ascension : 13 16 42.46 Declination : +36 22 52.7 Galactic Longitude (l) : N/A Galactic Latitude (b) : N/A

    Observing Log

    Date of Observation JD Facility Resolution S/N Exposure Time Vrad
    2009-07-29 N/A SUBARUIRCS 20000 100-200 N/A N/A

    C.J.Hansen et al.,AAP, 545, A31, 2012(ADS)

    Silver and palladium help unveil the nature of a second r-process

    Stellar Parameters

    Teff : 4785+-100 log g : 1.50+-0.25 vturb : 2.1+-0.15

    Chemical Abundances

    Original Data Converted Data Asplund et al. (2009)
    Element Nline [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e Element


    Right Ascension : 13 16 42.46 Declination : +36 22 52.7 Galactic Longitude (l) : N/A Galactic Latitude (b) : N/A

    Observing Log

    Date of Observation JD Facility Resolution S/N Exposure Time Vrad
    N/A VLT 40000 >100 N/A N/A

    K.A.Venn et al.,AJ, 128, 1177, 2004(ADS)

    Stellar Chemical Signatures and Hierarchical Galaxy Formation

    Chemical Abundances

    Original Data Converted Data Asplund et al. (2009)
    Element Nline [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e [X/H] [X/Fe] log-e Element


    Right Ascension : 13 16 42.46 Declination : +36 22 52.7 Galactic Longitude (l) : N/A Galactic Latitude (b) : N/A

    Observing Log