Original Names
111 in B.Hendricks+,AAP, 572, A82, 2014fnx_08_254 in G.Battaglia+, AAP, 459, 423, 2006
taken from 2 paper(s):
/G.Battaglia et al.(2006)/
/B.Hendricks et al.(2014)/

The DART imaging and CaT survey of the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy
Chemical Abundances
| | Original Data | Converted Data Asplund et al. (2009) | |
Element | Nline | [X/H] | [X/Fe] | log-e | [X/H] | [X/Fe] | log-e | Element |
Fe | N/A | -0.86+-0.10 | ... | ... | -0.86+-0.10 | ... | 6.64+-0.10 | Fe |
Right Ascension : 02 39 00.37 | Declination : -34 48 48.2 | Galactic Longitude (l) : N/A | Galactic Latitude (b) : N/A |
Observing Log
Date of Observation | JD | Facility | Resolution | S/N | Exposure Time | Vrad |
2005-01-07 | N/A | FLAMESGIRAFFE | 6500 | 26.4 | 900 | N/A |
Insights from the outskirts: Chemical and dynamical properties in the outer parts of the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy
Chemical Abundances
| | Original Data | Converted Data Asplund et al. (2009) | |
Element | Nline | [X/H] | [X/Fe] | log-e | [X/H] | [X/Fe] | log-e | Element |
Mg | N/A | ... | -0.240+-0.058 | ... | -1.16+-0.058 | -0.26+-0.058 | 6.44+-0.058 | Mg |
Ti | N/A | ... | -0.270+-0.038 | ... | -1.10+-0.038 | -0.20+-0.038 | 3.85+-0.038 | Ti |
Fe | N/A | -0.9+-0.03 | ... | ... | -0.90+-0.03 | ... | 6.60+-0.03 | Fe |
Binary Parameters
Right Ascension : 02 39 00.38 | Declination : -34 48 48.71 | Galactic Longitude (l) : N/A | Galactic Latitude (b) : N/A |
Observing Log
Date of Observation | JD | Facility | Resolution | S/N | Exposure Time | Vrad |
2008-11 | N/A | FLAMESGIRAFFE | 16000 | 27.4 | 28800 | 78.29+-1.12 |